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1990s - playing Pokémon 

2009 - EDUCATION, Foundation in Art and Design (Distinction)

2009 to 2012 - EDUCATION, BA(Hons) Media Arts (First)

2012 - EXHIBITION, Plymouth University Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Degree Show

2012 to 2014 - EDUCATION, MA Photography (Merit)

2013 - INTERNSHIP, Studio Intern, Martin Parr Studio, London, UK

2014 - INTERNSHIP, Design Intern, China Stylus, Hong Kong

2014 - INTERNSHIP, English Teacher, Conversations With Foreigners, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

2014 - EXHIBITION, Happy Go Lucky, Meta House, Phnom Penh

2015 - EXHIBITION, Plymouth University Faculty of Arts MA Show

2014 to 2016 - EMPLOYMENT, The Lock Tavern, London, UK

2014 to 2016 EMPLOYMENT, English Teacher, Various EFL schools in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

2016 - EXHIBITION, Collision, Exhibited over Multiple Pub Toilets for PhotoMonth London, UK

2016 - INTERNSHIP, Social Media intern, [arther-frank] publishing, London, UK

2017 - EMPLOYMENT, Communications Assistant, The Photographers' Gallery, London, UK

2017 to current - EMPLOYMENT, Communications, Martin Parr Foundation, Bristol, UK

2021 - PUBLICATION, Netflix and Chill, photobook published by Setanta Books

2023 - co-founded Drama Proof Pigeon Club, submissions based illustration zine


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