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Drama Proof Pigeon Club

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Drama Proof Pigeon Club is a new independent illustration zine to profile other creative practitioners' works, produced by Beastly Worlds and @now.a.magpie.


The zine is submission based and small(ish) format, aiming to celebrate printed images, drawings and comics (and not looking at screens), as well as build our illustration community (beyond Instagram). There are 3(ish) issues per year.

(We sometimes find ourselves sucked into doom-scrolling and before you know it 20 minutes have passed - every time this happens it is a reminder to engage with something not on a screen.)


Zines are available online for just £5 each including UK shipping, here.

They are also available at the SPARKS Ethical Gift Shop in Bristol and the illustration shop Art Hole in Cardiff. We make the zines as affordable as possible, so this is enough to cover the cost of production, a stamp and an envelope, plus an extra £1 for each sale, which is shared among the artists featured.


  • Instagram
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