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Netflix and Chill


Netflix and Chill is a small photobook - the size of an iPhone 4 (264 pages) - exploring the relationship between online dating culture and photography in today’s hyper connected digital society. This work presents the online experience of Sarah, 23, through a unique archive of Tinder moments sent her way. Sarah is fictional. 

5 key points about Tiger Moments:

1 - In July 2014 the dating app Tinder introduced Tinder Moments.

2 - Moments would allow users to create an image that would be broadcast to all of their matches; matches could like Moments they received.

3 - The sender could overlay text, emojis and draw over Moments.

4 - Moments were automatically deleted after 24 hours.

5 - Due to a rise in Snapchat and a newly formed partnership between Tinder and Instagram, Tinder Moments were removed from the app in November 2015.


The Netflix and Chill archive explores the liberation of expression as permitted by new technology. The result is a portrait of a society experiencing and exploring a new and evolving complexity with which one can represent - or misrepresent - one’s self online. Netflix and Chill is available online here.


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