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The Lock Tavern

11.04.2016.010 09 BANNER.jpg

Working at the Lock Tavern in Camden, the staff had a love-hate relationship with the place and the space. The pub has since changed ownership and with that, a new manager replaced all workers - bouncers, bar staff and the Hungarian chefs - in favour of a new team. (It is now almost unrecognisable and looks a lot more elegant.)


There was a great sense of camaraderie among us in working for minimum wage, 14 hour shifts on the weekends and zero-hour contracts. All to make Steve more money and to sustain ourselves while we each pursued our creative goals. Steve, who usually got his role as owner confused with the role of a manager, insisting we chop more limes and polish cutlery each time he came in, in spite of our efforts being needed elsewhere in the bar…


This series documents some behind the scenes working at the bar as well as some of the customers who would drink there.


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